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-- John Wayne

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Kuhn & Associates

<TITLE> Project

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Team

    Project Sponsor: <NAME> Vice President

    Development Manager: <NAME>

    Project Manager: <NAME>

    Project Lead: <NAME>

    System Architect: <NAME>

    Programmer: <NAME>

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Sponsor - The sponsors endorse the scope and goals of the project and have decision-making authority for the user community. The sponsors have primary responsibility for marshaling the resources needed to fund the project. They are responsible for assignment of users to the project team and to develop user guides, office procedures and user training. Further, they identify users to be interviewed and users to participate in review walkthroughs and inspections. They also will identify users who will participate in testing, development of test scripts, test cases and test data.

Development Manager - The development manager proscribes project guidelines and resolves issues between the sponsor and the project manager. This manager has decision authority for resource issues beyond the scope of the project manager. Further, he acts as a liaison between the project and the rest of the company community and resolves political issues beyond the scope of the project manager.

Project Manager - The project manager has primary responsibility for the welfare of the project during the design, development, testing, and implementation of the application. He regularly communicates project status, resolves conflicts, identifies issues, coordinates the equipping of team members, and ensures that all team members follow proscribed project guidelines.

Project Lead - The project lead is responsible for providing guidelines and a glossary of terms to facilitate common understanding among anyone who has to interact with the project. He participates in all review walkthroughs and inspections. He also regularly monitors project status and ensures the team meets all deliverables on schedule.

System Architect - The system architect is responsible for the overall design of the system and for the successful integration of sub-systems and interfaces. He provides technical leadership, plans and estimates, technical interfaces external to the project; and manages overall test strategies. The architect also resolves technical issues/conflicts, and ensures adherence to standards.

Programmer - The programmer is responsible for the modeling analysis, programming, testing and or implementation of the system.


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