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-- Burk Hudson

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{Project Name}

Training Plan

Remove italicized comments within this template from the final document



    Prepared by:

    Include the name of the document's author, author's telephone and email address.


    List contributors to this document, and the nature of their contributions.

    Primary Contact:

    All questions and comments about the project should be addressed to the primary contact.  It will be the responsibility of the primary contact to answer or direct the questions or comments to the appropriate parties.

    The primary contact is usually the Project Leader.  Include email link.


    List the mailing list, Usenet group, web address, or other method of intended distribution.


Date of Revision Revised By Description of Revision Affected Modules


Development Methodology

For the purposes of this project, we are using a simplified Project Life Cycle, the details of which can be found at www.kuhnllc.com.

Change Control

Detail the change control plan in two contexts:
  1. The context of changes to the SPECIFICATIONS and DESIGN.  Strongly discourage changes to the specifications and design. Encourage up-front thinking and you will be better able to maintain project focus as it proceeds.
  2. The context of change control for documentation, source, and resources.  List how revision control will be accomplished, where the revision control is located, who has access, etc.

Audit Plan

How do we know we did a good job?  In the case of a Training Plan, emphasize trainee feedback and suggestion/critiques..



    1. Describe the purpose of the training.
    2. Describe very briefly what the system does.
    3. List the objectives from the training course.
    4. List the alternatives considered.

    Intended Audience

    1. Who will be trained?
    2. Class size?
    3. List by job title who should be trained (Office Managers, etc.)
    4. State the number of users (Total and Per Class)
    5. Identify the pre-requisites for training.


    1. Describe the facility requirements, based on class size, location, and equipment requirements.
    2. State that equipment requirements (e.g., Computer - hardware/software, Test Databases, Documentation material, Visuals - overheads, projector, flip charts, slide projector
    3. Include any travel/housing requirements

    Roles & Responsibilities

    List the roles and responsibilities so that everyone knows what is to be done and what they are responsible for in the training process. Address the roles of the following people:
    1. Note who is responsible for meeting each of the requirements listed in the preceding section.
    2. Trainers (developing the plan, and designing and/or producing training materials; actually training the participants)
    3. Developers (producing training datasets or other technical material).
    4. Participants (clearly note in promotional material any materials that must be provided by the participants.  Ideally, there should be none.  Don't even make them bring pencils!)
    5. Promoters

    Training Schedule

    List the training schedule
    Should show the following:
    1. The frequency of the classes
    2. The duration of the classes
    3. The number of classes being offered
    4. The location of the classes

    Course Outline

    Note that this section is pretty weak because the course outline depends entirely upon the product, trainer, and a thousand other factors that it doesn't make any sense to include in a template.  In other words, here's a place where you're on your own.
    1. List the course outline.
    2. List the steps of the training (e.g., what will be taught)
    3. List objectives for each step
    4. have a short quiz after each step.


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